Uitleg aanvragen PeopleCert examen met voucher

Volg de onderstaande stappen om een account bij PeopleCert aan te maken en je examen te plannen: 

To create a PEOPLECERT Account:
1. Visit https://peoplecert.org/
2. Click on the account icon in the upper right corner. Scroll down and click on the button 'Create a free account'.
3. Fill in the form, check I agree to PeopleCert’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and click on "JOIN PEOPLECERT" button.
4. You will receive a welcome to PeopleCert message email and you will automatically sign in to your account.
Note: You can choose how your name appears on your certificates. Τhere is a sample you can preview your selected format.

To register for your exam:
1. Visit https://peoplecert.org/.
2. Click on the account icon and sign in to your account.
Note: If you have forgotten your password click on Forgot Password? and enter the requested details. If you require any help resetting your password you can call, or email customer support at customerservice@peoplecert.org.
3. Select My profile to review your personal data. Click EDIT PERSONAL DETAILS to change your contact information or the fields: Photo ID Type, Photo ID Number, Photo ID Issue Date, Birth Date, Gender. You may update your name only before completing your first exam registration. If any further modifications are needed, please contact customerservice@peoplecert.org.
4. Do you have a PeopleCert code from your training organisation? If so, enter it in the code field below. Register for your exam, and click the CONFIRM button.
5. If additional information is required, you will be prompted to complete the relevant fields: Exam Data and Exam Date and Time, if you are registering for a PeopleCert Online Proctoring exam, or Additional Result Recipients if you are registering for a classroom exam.
6. Check your exam information and click on CONFIRM MY EXAM.
7. You will receive an e-mail confirming your exam registration and your exam details. Exam details are also available in the Overview section of your account.
Note: You are advised to arrive at the exam location 30 minutes prior to the scheduled start time, carrying a valid Government issued Identification Document including a photograph and date of birth, such as a National ID card, Passport, driving license, military card or social security card.

To reschedule your exam:
If you are registering for a PeopleCert Online Proctoring exam, you can reschedule your exam up to 4 hours before the scheduled exam time by following the steps described below:
1. Sign in to your PeopleCert account at https://peoplecert.org/.
2. Click on Change date for the exam you want to reschedule.
3. Book the time slot you want, using the online exam scheduler.
4. You will receive a new exam booking confirmation e-mail.
For more information on rescheduling options and fees that might apply, please visit the “help & support” section of our website.

Mocht je al vaker een examen hebben afgelegd via Peoplecert, check dan altijd het "exam shield" voor het start van jouw examen, deze verandert namelijk elke maand.

Ondervind je technische problemen voor of tijdens het examen?
Neem contact op met je Web Proctor. Als dit niet werkt kun je ook contact opnemen via de chat van Peoplecert; https://www.peoplecert.org/help-and-support-olp